Growing up in Malaysia, pineapple tarts are a treat that I looked forward to around the holidays. I love the crispy, yet chewy pastry, topped by a sweet, yet tart pineapple jam filling. Nowadays, I make these for my kids to enjoy. One batch is usually gone within the day. They do take a little longer to make, but I have found that segmenting the preparation helps a lot. I make the pineapple jam ahead of time, so whenever I have a moment, I can make the pastry and assemble the tarts. I use 1 inch Pineapple Tart Molds to make the job easier. Pineapple tarts can take on many different forms. Some come in a roll with jam inside the roll, others, like the one I grew up on, is a bite sized pastry shell with pineapple jam on top. The prettier ones have a lattice on top. I did away with the lattice, using any extra pastry I have to make more tarts.
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